quinta-feira, 16 de julho de 2015


On the 14th of July, this last Tuesday, we reached the 10.000 views milestone!

Pic. 1: Not even Vegeta can stop us. We are over 10.000!

We, from the Opina team want to thank deeply all our readers, who follow us weekly to read a new poem, to know who’s playing the concert next door, a good book, a opera spectacle or the new movie on the cinema.

We are especially thankful to the ones who left us their comments and opinions, to the ones who share our work, to the ones that bring us their amazing projects, ideas and worthwhile causes, which we have the upmost pleasure to divulgate, and most of all to the ones that, as readers or as content creators, actively promote the cultural identity of their communities in any of the countless forms that culture can take.

A big THANKS to all of you!

Below, we leave you a few posts that helped us reach this fantastic milestone. Give us your opinion! ;)




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